you do not have a valid subscription for this server

There are ways, you just have to google for it, but I wouldn't recommend using that. That might break stuff when you update PVE (and this already happened in the past with PVE products).
Once you develop muscle memory you will close the popup that fast, that you don't care anymore.
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This is free and open software, you can patch the source to your liking.

Having said that, any such modification is not supported and you are on your own, I would advice against it.
What problem exactly do you mean?
Hi Neobin,
I am using No-Subscription Repository.
When I log in to proxmox on the server I get the message "No valid subscription". I am looking for a solution to disable it
Thanks for the response.
Hi Neobin,
I am using No-Subscription Repository.
When I log in to proxmox on the server I get the message "No valid subscription". I am looking for a solution to disable it
Thanks for the response.

The only two solutions you will get here on the official forum are already mentioned above:
  1. This is free and open software, you can patch the source to your liking.

    Having said that, any such modification is not supported and you are on your own, I would advice against it.
  2. Get (a) subscription(s):
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I would second this for homelab, personal-use users.
But they have already one tier like that, it's called "community subscription". Now if you can't afford it, that's understandable (I can't either) but nobody forbids you to use PVE non the less. If you want to contribute you could buy a single community subscription every few years.

The trouble with a "one time donation of 25$ subscription" would be that most likely it will hurt the subscriptions of the other tiers leading to less income of Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH. I also recall that Dietmar mentioned in some thread, that they used to offer a donation option which was removed in the end because to few people used that.
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Everybody seems to want to pay something different, and sometimes even expect Proxmox to implement certain features for a one-time tip/gratuity. I once suggested people who wanted to make a donation to use the Proxmox bank information on the website (which works fine for other open-source companies). But even then there were excuses like "maybe that would be confusing for Proxmox, so I better not do it". I guess there is always a reason but please keep in mind that open-source is not developed for free/gratis.

Such discussions conclude each time with home-users happily keeping their money and Proxmox being fine with the current situation.

The one time donation of $25 is just to remove the nagware at login, nothing more, just for home use.
Should it remove it once (like your donation) or remove it each time you login? For the current version or for all future versions? I don't think this make sense for Proxmox to do this, sorry. But you can change the software in any way you like (except maybe for things like selliing it as if it is your own).
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The one time donation of $25 is just to remove the nagware at login, nothing more, just for home use.
They already have something like this, their community subscription. The only difference to your suggestion is that it cost way more and also has access to enterprise repository (since everything is first released to no-subscription and test repos so in the end no big difference for usage in a homelab). So a "one time donation model" would probably hurt their other sales so I can't really blame them for not going that route.