I do have an issue with the current proxmox.
pvesh get /nodes/prox19/qemu/927/status/current --output-format yaml
CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support JSON:P::Boolean references at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/CLIFormatter.pm line 443.
not with all vms and not all servers but with some.
does anybody know why this happens and what I can do to workaround ?
Thanks Immo
I do have an issue with the current proxmox.
pvesh get /nodes/prox19/qemu/927/status/current --output-format yaml
CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support JSON:P::Boolean references at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/CLIFormatter.pm line 443.
not with all vms and not all servers but with some.
does anybody know why this happens and what I can do to workaround ?
Thanks Immo