xhci_hcd error

My solution/workaround/forfeit was to not run Proxmox.

This is a proxmox forum and we are talking about a proxmox issue here.

As mentioned - if you have the skills and are willing to help ( = putting something with real value on the table) I am more then willing to create a debian based kernel (+ patches of proxmox) and / or a more recent ubuntu kernel (with the proxmox patches). e.g. we should use the same zfs modules as the official proxmox kernel.

The chances that usb is working is much higher then with the current proxmox kernel.

If not - I found my workaround. I also don't "donate" this hard work to anybody in the community (I do a lot of other opensource stuff in my valuable free time).

If you know anybody who has the same issues - who is willing to work on a custom kernel - just ping me.
This seems to still be an issue. I am seeing this with Proxmox on kernel "6.8.12-5-pve". This is a homelab with coral tpu devices for frigate. Anyone find a fix that can be applied?
This seems to still be an issue. I am seeing this with Proxmox on kernel "6.8.12-5-pve". This is a homelab with coral tpu devices for frigate. Anyone find a fix that can be applied?
I've found that passing the USB 3 host xhci controller through as a PCI device instead of just the USB port fixed my issue. I noticed the inference speed has also gone from ~40ms to ~11ms as well.
ESXi community has the same problems with Coral/USB3. One workaround they found is to connect it via USB2 port or USB2 cable, essentially downgrading the setup, but making it stable:

"Im having similar issues to all others here, and have extensively debugged and tried to resolve this- the *ONLY* stable solution I have found is to use a USB-C to USB-A cable that does not support above 480mbit/s speeds (ie usb2)- Thus to artificially limit the speed of the coral. Using that ive had frigate stable for weeks (container uptime) , with an nvidia p1000 GPU pass-through + 15x 1080p cameras at ~ 5-8fps each. (note - FPS / IO on the usb coral are only consumed when motion / activity passes a certain threshold on each camera, so its not exactly 15x 5fps load upon the coral)".
