Windows DNS server

Someyoung Guy

Active Member
Dec 23, 2018
Anyone not having DNSBL's work correctly returning results on your PMG that uses a Windows DNS server you may need to run these commands on your Windows DNS Servers.

Reference: Whackers For Hackers

dnscmd your_dns_server_hostname_or_IP_here /zoneadd /forwarder your_ISPs_DNS_IP

When I wasn't doing a "conditional forwarder" it was forwarding requests to a DNS provider that filters for baddy's like OpenDNS and OpenDNS doesn't seem to honor these types of queries. My local ISP does however.

Before running these commands on my NS's I'd get a blank host lookup.

Query: host

Result: was blank <-- nada, zip, zero

After I made these mods I get: has address

Great-ah success in my country! #1 in all of Kazakhstan!

You need to do that with all your forward DNS queries to all your RBL's.

Good luck out there!
Thanks for sharing your solution!

(maybe you want to edit the Thread and set a 'Tutorial' prefix - would make it easier for other users to find the thread)
Thanks for sharing your solution!

(maybe you want to edit the Thread and set a 'Tutorial' prefix - would make it easier for other users to find the thread)

Hi - I'm not sure how to do that. I could probably flesh it out a bit with more information too. I was struggling with spam coming in and going through the logs I was like...I have no hits on my RBL's...hmmmm. Then I remembered what I had written on Whackers for Hackers. I wrote that. I had to reference it. I posted here only because I saw others that had this same problem but they didn't have a solution...seemingly. Knowing what I had searched out online and never coming across my original blog about the subject I thought I'd post it here since the search Gods like your forum. Feel free to modify this or even rewrite it and post the tutorial. There's a GUI way to do it too but I had the command line for it in my original and everyone using PMG is used to cli anyway so :)

How can I edit and make a better tutorial?

Hi - I'm not sure how to do that. I
klick on the 3 dots '...' above your first post -> Edit Thread -> select 'TUTORIAL' as prefix.

I could probably flesh it out a bit with more information too. I
I think the article is fine as it is! it should work for most people who need the information - it solves a specific problem and provides a short command.

Maybe a different thread subject could help - 'Windows DNS settings for RBL lookup'?
Else - maybe add the explicit commands for testing in code tags (the nslookup/host/dig commands)

I hope this helps!

Thanks again