Windows 11 guest and qxl driver


Active Member
Oct 2, 2019
I see many threads here talking about Win11 guests, so this tells me it's indeed possible.

So I was trying to setup one, by following the best practices for Win10:
and hit a problem: using latest virtio-win ISO, within the qxldod folder there's no win11 version, unlike all other drivers.

By searching in forums, mailing lists, and this link:
it seems Red Hat effectively shutdown (or in the process of) all work in the project.

So I wanted to ask, has someone here managed to install a Win11 VM with full SPICE support? Or rather, how do you setup one nowadays?

Did you tried it with the Win10 driver? I remember when Win11 was released everyone just used Win10 drivers for everything because there were no Win11 drivers published yet and most of the time everything worked fine with Win10 drivers.