I intentionally removed a physical hard drive from a small test regular desktop PC server setup with Proxmox, RAID1 ZFS pool to simulate a hardware failure and other
tests i am running here.
I was expecting the system to show any warning messages from the boot process... or as soon as i open the proxmox web gui, something indicative like a flashing red banner with a warning or something but no. the system is working just as if nothing happened, which is great of course, but if i do not get a warning (from a very stationary backup file server where no one ever logs in to the proxmox gui in this case), the server would keep running with just a single drive....
Yes if i go to the ZFS section i see this:
But i prefer something a little more obvious, like an email alert, computer beeping or smoke signals... anything...
Where can i set options for this?
Thank you