[SOLVED] When running Windows I have two mouse pointers, really annoying!


Active Member
Jun 21, 2020
52.24154182722349, 5.117853866801705
See this video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/34gPejU36vJFAxH8A

I have my original mouse pointer, AND a windows mouse pointer, which is out of sync.
I cannot find how to solve this.

It is Windows 10, running on a PVE 7, the client machine is a Debian 11 with Chrome as browser. I run Windows from the Proxmox website using the standard novnc console.

By the way, I just checked another Windows VM, that one doesn't have this behavior. I compared the options like 'Use tablet for pointer', both are switched on.


As a temporary workaround I switched the local cursor off. That helps, but it feels like the wrong solution.


UPDATE: I cloned a new Windows 10 VM from the same template. I don't have the mouse problem there..... I don't really understand what is going on, but I am going to use the new machine from now on.

Not really solved, but I don't want to waste more time trying to solve this.
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Did you install the SPICE drivers? This behavior occurs when you installed the SPICE driver, and do not use it - If yes, you can uninstall it and see if take an effect.

Can you also share the Win10 VM config qm config <vmid>

Je suis confronté au même problème et j'ai désinstaller les pilotes SPICE. mais j'ai toujours le même soucis .

Je suis aussi sur Windows 10
Hi @Belga3444 , we support only English or German, so please consider writing in English.

Regarding the issue can you please post the output of VM config?
What do you mean?

We are supposed to NOT choose Spice, then?

I am so confused, is SPICE supposed to be used or not? I have two mouse pointers in latest Proxmox and attempting to install Win11.
What do you mean?

We are supposed to NOT choose Spice, then?

I am so confused, is SPICE supposed to be used or not? I have two mouse pointers in latest Proxmox and attempting to install Win11.
The way I'm reading it the VM should have SPICE enabled under its display options as well as having the drivers installed. If you install the drivers but don't also specify in settings (or connection option) that you want to use SPICE you'll end up with two cursors.

If you're still seeing two cursors after that you should probably start a new thread (this one is marked solved) and provide the qm config <vmid> output for an affected machine.
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