The main question is why cluster your nodes in the first place, when you are not really using them as cluster?
I feel this is the main question, which might help to understand the situation.
My home lab has few servers, and I want to keep them organized. I am moving the VMs from server to server when it is needed, again, it is a true lab, not a production environment (besides very few VMs, which need to be up and running almost all the time).
Being in the cluster it allows me to keep that all together and manager them from one Web GUI window, not many individual systems with individual GUIs. The migration of VMs becomes a singly (almost) click exercise. being in separated systems it is not possible today.
As this is a home lab I do not have a luxury to keep all servers up and running all the time: it costs a lot due to the electricity, and I simply do not need all servers being up and running all the time.
There is a separated system (which I consider to deploy), and this system will need the same capabilities (to add, remove, migrate VM from system to system). If this is 100% another cluster - ok, I could live with this part.
But the home lab and the restriction to keep quorum in order to be able to do something, even connect the system via Web Gui is an issue.
My desire would be: there is a setting in the system, which allows me to define the minimum quorum, that i can reach it by these one/two systems, without a need to keep entire landscape up and running.
Today, in order to create another lab VM on one of servers I either have to get to SSH and define that this system can operate along (and it is possible only when
only one system is up and running), or fire up remaining servers in the cluster in order to get to the quorum (and this is the only option if more than one server is up and running). Remaining option (and the less favorite option) - forget about cluster and have all this pain of individual systems.
I hope this helps to understand the situation. I guess I am not along with this situation.
And honestly, I love Cluster set-up, and with to keep it.