I use proxmox mail gateway 5.2-3 version. I got error message when I use track to see mail log.
command '/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker -v -l 2000 -s 1562050800 -e 1562083200 -n -g' failed: got unexpected data: MSGID: at /usr/share/perl5/PMG/API2/MailTracker.pm line 139. (500)
I has set start time and not too long. I don't know what is this problem.
I use proxmox mail gateway 5.2-3 version. I got error message when I use track to see mail log.
command '/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker -v -l 2000 -s 1562050800 -e 1562083200 -n -g' failed: got unexpected data: MSGID: at /usr/share/perl5/PMG/API2/MailTracker.pm line 139. (500)
I has set start time and not too long. I don't know what is this problem.