What happens when Proxmox not start and a New installation is the last way


New Member
May 6, 2012

My english ist very bad !!!!! plz. in German if it is possible.

Ok i have install Proxmox on Harddrive 1 160GB non Raid is single Drive
My VM´s are on a externel Storage.
So my question, what happen´s when the 160GB single drive goes offline because Hardware error.
Proxmox must be ne installed on a new drive.
What happen´s with my VM`s can i recover the System to the orginal System so that the VM´s work fine ?

Nun in Deutsch

Ich habe zum Beispiel Proxmox 3.4 auf einem eizigen laufwerk oder USB Stick installiert.
Meine Virtuellen Rechner liegen auf einem Netzwerkspeicher.
Was passiert wenn Proxmox unwiderruflich abstürzt.
Gehen wir mal vom schlimmsten aus.
Die HDD verreckt komplet. Dann mus eine neue rein und Proxmox wird neu installiert.
Wie bekomme ich denn meine Systeme wieder einwandfrei an laufen ?
Sind die dann auch verloren ? oder kann ich diese dann wieder zurück in die Config von Proxmox holen ?

Ich könnte Proxmox ja auf einen Raid1 Mirror packen aber auch da hätte ich die Frage, was mache ich wenn Proxmox aus welchen softwaretechnischen gründen auch immer nicht mehr startet und eine neuinstallation fällig ist.

I had a similar problem, when the system disk was read-only, (due to braking mirror raid). The virtual machines keep on running like nothing happened. If it really goes dark however, I would assume you lose some configuration, /var/vz/*

I believe you could recover from this rather fast. Ofcourse a extra 160 gb disk for mirror is very cheap, if you can upgrade ...
Yes you can restore everything from your node, the most important thing are the images/disks of your Virtual Machines. Store them on a shared storage and make backups.
Then you can always restore the backups and nothing is lost.

Also adding a new VM and using the virtual disk of the "lost" VM would be an possibility.

If you're running an HA cluster setup the VMs on the failed node get migrated to other nodes automatically.
A cluster guarantees you also that the configs aren't lost if a node and backup failed as they are stored in the shared cluster file system (/etc/pve).

If you have the VM disks somewhere there always will be some possibilities to restore it.
Hey thanks for your answer.

A second disk for mirror is no Problem... but what happens when the PC/Server goes down.. and crashed an must be replaced by another PC/Server
The VM´s are stored on a NAS with Raid 5
Hello t.lamprecht.
Ok i must recover by hand. But Network MAC Adress and other Settings are lost ?
Windows Server ADDC make problems when NIC will change the MAC Adress.
Can i export the proxmox config and restore it in a another Proxmox instance ?
Whitch files i must backup to save the Proxmox Config.
An insert these files in my new Proxmox will this work ?
Hello t.lamprecht.
Ok i must recover by hand. But Network MAC Adress and other Settings are lost ?
Windows Server ADDC make problems when NIC will change the MAC Adress.
Can i export the proxmox config and restore it in a another Proxmox instance ?
Whitch files i must backup to save the Proxmox Config.
An insert these files in my new Proxmox will this work ?
the VM-configs are normal text-files, which are stored inside /etc/pve (which is an cluster filesystem based on an sqlitedb)...

Easy way - save the content of /etc/pve on an save place (tar is your friend).
Better way - do also backups of the VMs - in this case the config-file is in the backup together with the VM-Images (both versions fixed together).
