Weird Bridge when pxeboot and network goes up and down and never up again


New Member
Jun 1, 2023
Im moving my lab from esxi to promox. I pxeboot the vm, and it runs perfect fine on esxi.
I find that I see the initial pxe boot, bringing down the installer (Basically a kernel and a initfs), which then boots, and will do the install.
So pxe had the network up, and did downloads, perfectly fine.
Then the new kernel comes up, and it looks like network (At the bridge level) is disabled, and the install fails.
Anyone have ideas?
Found the issue:
Network interface was different between the vmware/promox.

From: append ip=ens192:dhcp
to: append ip=enp6s18:dhcp

Also found the disk changed from sda to vda (Yep, got the hint from the network interface change)

Also switch to http from tftp for all the load, soooooo much quicker.

So pxe booting is working great in promox 8.
Issue solved.