Hello, we used Vmware esxi for 10 years, around 35 VM in our datacenter.
Some months ago, we converted all our servers to Proxmox VE without any major problem: we succesfully converted 34 VM, Win server 12,16,19, rockylinux, debian, ubuntu, with any kind of services. Everything works except one server: Watchguard Dimension. (it's a VM distributed by Watchguard that store logs and help with traffic analysis of watchguard's firewall)
Or, to be fair, it works, but I can't install anything on the SO because it's locked and without Virtio drivers I can't shutdown, reboot and unleash full power from VM.
Everytime I need to reboot the host, I have to remember that Dimension need be poweroff manually or the host won't reboot.
I've converted this VM like all the others: exporting ovf in vmware --> importing qm importovf
I already opened a Case on wgsupport and they said watchguard has no plan to create a Dimension VM with virtio drivers included.
I alreday wrote on wg official forum but official reply was the same (Link to forum discussion)
Any idea on how to solve this (minor) problem ?
Anyone is managing a VM on proxmox without virtio drivers?
Thanks for any idea or suggestion.
Some months ago, we converted all our servers to Proxmox VE without any major problem: we succesfully converted 34 VM, Win server 12,16,19, rockylinux, debian, ubuntu, with any kind of services. Everything works except one server: Watchguard Dimension. (it's a VM distributed by Watchguard that store logs and help with traffic analysis of watchguard's firewall)
Or, to be fair, it works, but I can't install anything on the SO because it's locked and without Virtio drivers I can't shutdown, reboot and unleash full power from VM.
Everytime I need to reboot the host, I have to remember that Dimension need be poweroff manually or the host won't reboot.
I've converted this VM like all the others: exporting ovf in vmware --> importing qm importovf
I already opened a Case on wgsupport and they said watchguard has no plan to create a Dimension VM with virtio drivers included.
I alreday wrote on wg official forum but official reply was the same (Link to forum discussion)
Any idea on how to solve this (minor) problem ?
Anyone is managing a VM on proxmox without virtio drivers?
Thanks for any idea or suggestion.