pveversion -v
and ethtool <interface-name> | grep Wake-on
must be the name of the physical network interface.p
-flag as well, by executing ethtool -s <interface-name> wol pg
.ip link show eno1
with the following contents:[Match]
NamePolicy=kernel database onboard slot path
WakeOnLan=phy magic
above with the actual MAC address from the before-mentioned command output.1. Have you created it with the same filename as I suggested above? For systemd-link, esp. the extensionI have created the file after a reboot it is like the file is not being used do I need to start something?
is important - otherwise it won't be recognized.ethtool
output to see it worked? No, that line is fine and is supposed to be like that. It just tells systemd-link if and how the interface should be renamed, such that the name is predictable.or do I need to put something here NamePolicy=kernel database onboard slot path
ethtool -s <interface name> wol pg
Worked but[Match]
NamePolicy=kernel database onboard slot path
WakeOnLan= phy magic
And changing the 90-wakeonlan.link fileethtool -s <interface name> wol g
nano /etc/systemd/network/90-wakeonlan.link
NamePolicy=kernel database onboard slot path
WakeOnLan= magic