Vzdump VM for an another host of the same cluster


New Member
Jan 31, 2024
Hi everyone,

Is it possible to back up a VM using the vzdump command to another host within a Proxmox cluster?

I found the --node parameter in the documentation, but it doesn’t seem to work, likely because of this note:
--node <string>
Only runs if executed on this node.

Thanks for your help!
you can only backup to storages, not other hosts (of course a storage might physically be attached to another host and exported via e.g. NFS/CIFS). There also is replication, maybe that is what you want: https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/chapter-pvesr.html ?
Thanks for your answer ! I see that it's possible with this command:

pvesh create /nodes/proxmox-test/vzdump --vmid 132 --compress 0 --mailto no-notification@e.fr --mailnotification failure --stdout

But I think --stdout does not work?
Thanks for your answer ! I see that it's possible with this command:

pvesh create /nodes/proxmox-test/vzdump --vmid 132 --compress 0 --mailto no-notification@e.fr --mailnotification failure --stdout

But I think --stdout does not work?
From your initial post it sounded like the VM is on the current host and the backup should land on a different host. Yes, I don't think the stdout option will work via the API. What exactly are you trying to achieve, i.e. where is the VM and where should the backup be in the end? You could maybe issue the vzdump command via SSH or redirect the output via SSH depending on what you want.