VNC Console app in 4.0?


Jun 2, 2008
Is there a VNC Console app in 4.0? I see the noVNC and Spice option but I can not find the VNC one? I thought I saw something about adding it. But I can not seem to find it.
Thank you,
you mean the Java Console? This one is dropped as the java browser plugin is not available anymore for modern browsers.

noVNC works great, so why do you miss the Java one?
When I try and use noVNC. I always get the following error:

nc6: connection timed out
TASK ERROR: command '/bin/nc6 -l -p 5900 -w 10 -e '/usr/bin/ssh -T -o BatchMode=yes /usr/sbin/qm vncproxy 106 2>/dev/null'' failed: exit code 1

clean the browser cache and it should work.
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Thank you for the reply. I tried cleaning the cache on the browser as well as a laptop with a clean install. I get the same error even when connecting to a brand new install of 4. The screen that I get in the browser looks like that below.
Thank you,

Can you pleas tell me what your are using for a Browser + version.
All on OSX ? witch version?
I have tried Firefox 41.01, Safari 9.0, and Chrome 46.0.2490.52 beta (64-bit)

All three of these work for me with OSX 10.11 (El Capitan).

Safari used to not work for me, but I'm not sure if that was a bug with Proxmox 4 beta releases or the older Safari in 10.10.
That is strange because on my mac all this Browsers are working.
except chrome there I use the stable one.
Work for me on OSX 10.10 and also on 10.11
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I am not sure if this app is web based as my programming knowledge is blank. But a fully functional app may bring commercial value to Proxmox or whoever wants to start the project. Have no clue what is involved in developing Android/iOS app. Dont know if it is even worth it.
Anyone want to collaborate?