VMWare ESXi import to Proxmox


Jun 13, 2022

We are currently planning to migrate from VMWare ESXi to Proxmox, and fortunately i read that Proxmox does support migration from VMWare ESXi to Proxmox, but the problem is the current running VMWare ESXi VMs is running on with external iSCSi storage, i would like to know if it the Proxmox able to import the VM which using external storage?
Yes it does, as I myself just migrated a couple dozen VM's from a vmware-cluster with an attached (multi-path) iscsi as storage to a proxmox-cluster (using the same hardware, so server-for-server, we luckily had enough resources to bring 1 server down at a time, and using the same iscsi-server too (but with a different target/lun made)).

Proxmox talks just to ESX for its information, as long as ESX can get to the data, proxmox can get to the data.

There are a couple of tweaks to the ESX-side that you want to do though to prevent time-outs or flood-protection being triggered during the transfer, so this topic [1] might be good to give a read through.
Some of the problems in there is outdated and fixed, so be sure to read through it all.

[1] https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/n...ng-vmware-esxi-based-virtual-machines.144023/