I have two proxmox servers hosted on hetzner, both in the same cluster and within the same vSwitch.
Using one external IP's for each VM, they can reach the WWW and I can reach them from my home network.
VM's on the same host can reach each other but if I try to ping between two VM's that are on different Hosts it doesn't work.
My current interfaces on both hosts is the following:
Anyone has any clue why?
I have two proxmox servers hosted on hetzner, both in the same cluster and within the same vSwitch.
Using one external IP's for each VM, they can reach the WWW and I can reach them from my home network.
VM's on the same host can reach each other but if I try to ping between two VM's that are on different Hosts it doesn't work.
My current interfaces on both hosts is the following:
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface lo inet6 loopback
auto enp41s0
iface enp41s0 inet static
address 157.xx.yy.zz/26
netmask 255.255.255.xxx
gateway 157.xx.yy.zz
up route add -net 157.xx.yy.zz netmask gw 157.xx.yy.zz dev enp41s0
iface enp41s0.4000 inet manual
vlan-raw-device enp41s0
mtu 1400
auto vmbr4000
iface vmbr4000 inet static
bridge_ports enp41s0.4000
bridge_stp off
bridge_fd 0
mtu 1400
Anyone has any clue why?