vmbr0 has no internet access


New Member
Mar 10, 2014
I'm new to proxmox , and I find it great.
However when creating a KVM node (win2008r2) the node has no internet access. Switching to NAT network mode works but that's not what I want.
I have multiple IP's and I want each IP dedicated to each node.
My /etc/network/interfaces is as follows (I created vmbr1 trying to add a second IP , but it's no good)
# network interface settings
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
        address  xxx.xxx.211.178
        pointpoint xxx.xxx.211.177
        gateway  xxx.xxx.211.177
        bridge_ports eth0
        bridge_stp off
        bridge_fd 1

auto vmbr1
iface vmbr1 inet static
        address xxx.xxx.211.179

I understand the vmbr1 might be misconfigured but vmbr0 was given by the provider and should work , right?
Maybe the provider block traffic from other MAC than eth0 (traffic from VM)?

They answered ; No, we do not have MAC address restrictions.
It's gotta be something i'm doing wrong... I swear I spent 3 hours googling around for solution to my problem but nothing came up yet.
Also, vmbr1 seem to have the same network, so that can result in routing problems.
Please remove vmbr1 for testing.
Please try to use tcpdump to see what happens to your traffic:

# tcpdump -n -l -i vmbr0

09:23:28.799553 IP xxx.xxx.211.178.22 > Flags [P.], seq 8036032:8036448, ack 15905, win 146, length 416
48253 packets captured
48253 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
That's the result , seems to be OK.
I've reinstalled the whole proxmox , and i'll try from the start.
Now this is my default settings ;
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet manual

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
        address xxx.xxx.211.178
        gateway xxx.xxx.211.177
        bridge_ports eth0
        bridge_stp off
        bridge_fd 0
With added eth0 since it didn't come by default and I believe it's needed. Is there anything else I should add before trying again?
Tried again , same result , KVM node has no internet access.
Trying to see it's IP via ipconfig it returns a totally different subnet and IP address , like proxmox is not giving it the right address
EDIT , manually adding the IP to the node via network settings in WIN2008r2 seems to work! I don't know why proxmox can't forward it the right address , but hey it works!
Thanks for help
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