VM will not start after upgrade from 7 to 8


Renowned Member
Jul 18, 2009

I have upgraded from pve 7 to pve 8. My vm will no longer start due to the following error. The vm is not using pci passthru.

kvm: -device pci-bridge,id=pci.1,chassis_nr=1,bus=pci.0,addr=0x1e: Bus 'pci.0' not found
start failed: QEMU exited with code 1

Is there a work round for this issue. The vm was running fone before the upgrade.

Can you please share the whole VM configuraton file (or show the output of qm config VM_ID_NUMBER)? Otherwise it would be guessing about a apparently non-standard or corrupted configuration.

Here you go.

args: -machine q35,smbios-entry-point-type=32
bootdisk: virtio0
cores: 2
cpu: host
ide2: none,media=cdrom
memory: 8192
name: vSRX3
net0: virtio=26:DD:0F:53:87:4F,bridge=vmbr0
net1: virtio=7A:53:5C:E3:03:37,bridge=vmbr1
net2: virtio=22:6B:12:EA:CE:BF,bridge=vmbr2
net3: virtio=52:B5:DC:57:17:14,bridge=vmbr3
net4: virtio=CA:28:55:F4:E1:1A,bridge=vmbr4
net5: virtio=C6:C9:59:10:2D:8E,bridge=vmbr5
numa: 0
onboot: 1
ostype: l26
scsihw: virtio-scsi-single
serial0: socket
smbios1: uuid=212a5b2a-9398-4dd3-95b2-3f0a90bdf0b5
sockets: 1
virtio0: local:101/vm-101-disk-1.qcow2,size=16G

args: -machine q35,smbios-entry-point-type=32
Do you (still) need this? I don't see machine: q35 in the other (standard) Proxmox options, so maybe Proxmox assumes the default i440fx instead and that interferes?
Replacing that line with machine: q35 works here, but I don't know if that works for you.
I also tried adding machine: q35 (keeping the args) and it also started, but I don't know if that works for you.
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The args line is necessary, due to the vm not supporting a 64bit entry point. The machine line did the trick!

Hello @gerryw,

First of all Access the Proxmox VE web interface and go to the problematic VM. In the VM configuration, review the hardware settings, particularly the number of virtual CPUs (cores) and the amount of allocated RAM.

Some advanced VM configurations might allow emulating a CMOS reset for the guest OS. Refer to the official Proxmox VE documentation for migrating VMs between versions. If none of the above solutions work, as a last resort, you might need to recreate the VM.

If you're comfortable with command lines, look for troubleshooting guides related to "kvm: -device pci-bridge" errors.
You just made an account to suggest some unrelated things to an already solved issue?


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