I am a rookie user of Proxmox VE. I deploy Proxmox 8.1 version on a Dell Rx530 server, witch cpu is intel E5-2603 v4. I meet some issue with the VM unresponse, hope someone can help me to troubleshot.
Scenario 1:
I import ovf as VM on PVE, use command line: "qm importovf 103 /path/of/ovf local-lvm", when process reach about 50%, then physical Server' CPU usage grow higher than 60%, all VM in the same server go to unresponse status. VM's CPU also grow higher than 60% but network usage and disk io drop to 0. After importovf success, VM still in unresponse status untill I kill this vm process in console and restart it.
Scenario 2:
I migration VM from source serverA to target serverB. same thing happened as Scenario 1, physical server's CPU usage grow higher than 60%, all VM in the same server go to unresponse status. VM's CPU also grow higher than 60% but network usage and disk io drop to 0. Atfer migration success, VM still in unresponse status untill I kill this vm process in console and restart it.
I am a rookie user of Proxmox VE. I deploy Proxmox 8.1 version on a Dell Rx530 server, witch cpu is intel E5-2603 v4. I meet some issue with the VM unresponse, hope someone can help me to troubleshot.
Scenario 1:
I import ovf as VM on PVE, use command line: "qm importovf 103 /path/of/ovf local-lvm", when process reach about 50%, then physical Server' CPU usage grow higher than 60%, all VM in the same server go to unresponse status. VM's CPU also grow higher than 60% but network usage and disk io drop to 0. After importovf success, VM still in unresponse status untill I kill this vm process in console and restart it.
Scenario 2:
I migration VM from source serverA to target serverB. same thing happened as Scenario 1, physical server's CPU usage grow higher than 60%, all VM in the same server go to unresponse status. VM's CPU also grow higher than 60% but network usage and disk io drop to 0. Atfer migration success, VM still in unresponse status untill I kill this vm process in console and restart it.