Vm startet nicht

David G.

New Member
Aug 16, 2023

ich habe eben eine Debian VM runtergefahren um den Arbeitsspeicher anzupassen.
Irgendwie will. Sie jetzt nicht mehr starten.

In der Weboberfläche passiert garnichts. In der Console kommt auch nichts.

Wenn ich es im Terminal versuche kommt:
root@pve:~# qm start 101
Requesting HA start for VM 101
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/API2/HA/Resources.pm line 40.

Was kann das sein?

Hier der Inhalt der Datei:
package PVE::API2::HA::Resources;

use strict;
use warnings;

use PVE::SafeSyslog;
use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param);
use PVE::Cluster;
use PVE::HA::Config;
use PVE::HA::Resources;
use HTTP::Status qw(:constants);
use Storable qw(dclone);
use PVE::JSONSchema qw(get_standard_option);
use PVE::RPCEnvironment;

use PVE::RESTHandler;

use base qw(PVE::RESTHandler);

# fixme: use cfs_read_file

my $resource_type_enum = PVE::HA::Resources->lookup_types();

my $api_copy_config = sub {
    my ($cfg, $sid) = @_;

    die "no such resource '$sid'\n" if !$cfg->{ids}->{$sid};

    my $scfg = dclone($cfg->{ids}->{$sid});
    $scfg->{sid} = $sid;
    $scfg->{digest} = $cfg->{digest};

    return $scfg;

sub check_service_state {
    my ($sid, $req_state) = @_;

    my $service_status = PVE::HA::Config::get_service_status($sid);
    if ($service_status->{managed} && $service_status->{state} eq 'error') {
    # service in error state, must get disabled before new state request
    # can be executed
    return if defined($req_state) && $req_state eq 'disabled';
    die "service '$sid' in error state, must be disabled and fixed first\n";

__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
    name => 'index',
    path => '',
    method => 'GET',
    description => "List HA resources.",
    permissions => {
    check => ['perm', '/', [ 'Sys.Audit' ]],
    parameters => {
    additionalProperties => 0,
    properties => {
        type => {
        description => "Only list resources of specific type",
        type => 'string',
        enum => $resource_type_enum,
        optional => 1,
    returns => {
    type => 'array',
    items => {
        type => "object",
        properties => { sid => { type => 'string'} },
    links => [ { rel => 'child', href => "{sid}" } ],
    code => sub {
    my ($param) = @_;

    my $cfg = PVE::HA::Config::read_resources_config();
    my $groups = PVE::HA::Config::read_group_config();

    my $res = [];
    foreach my $sid (keys %{$cfg->{ids}}) {
        my $scfg = &$api_copy_config($cfg, $sid);
        next if $param->{type} && $param->{type} ne $scfg->{type};
        if ($scfg->{group} && !$groups->{ids}->{$scfg->{group}}) {
        $scfg->{errors}->{group} = "group '$scfg->{group}' does not exist";
        push @$res, $scfg;

    return $res;

__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
    name => 'read',
    path => '{sid}',
    method => 'GET',
    permissions => {
    check => ['perm', '/', [ 'Sys.Audit' ]],
    description => "Read resource configuration.",
    parameters => {
    additionalProperties => 0,
    properties => {
        sid => get_standard_option('pve-ha-resource-or-vm-id',
                      { completion => \&PVE::HA::Tools::complete_sid }),
    returns => {
    type => 'object',
    properties => {
        sid => get_standard_option('pve-ha-resource-or-vm-id'),
        digest => {
        type => 'string',
        description => 'Can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.',
        type => {
        type => 'string',
        description => 'The type of the resources.',
        state => {
        type => 'string',
        enum => ['started', 'stopped', 'enabled', 'disabled', 'ignored'],
        optional => 1,
        description => "Requested resource state.",
        group => get_standard_option('pve-ha-group-id', { optional => 1, }),
        max_restart => {
        description => "Maximal number of tries to restart the service on".
        " a node after its start failed.",
        type => 'integer',
        optional => 1,
        max_relocate => {
        description => "Maximal number of service relocate tries when a".
        " service failes to start.",
        type => 'integer',
        optional => 1,
        comment => {
        description => "Description.",
        type => 'string',
        optional => 1,
    code => sub {
    my ($param) = @_;

    my $cfg = PVE::HA::Config::read_resources_config();

    my $sid = PVE::HA::Config::parse_sid($param->{sid});

    return &$api_copy_config($cfg, $sid);

__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
    name => 'create',
    protected => 1,
    path => '',
    method => 'POST',
    permissions => {
    check => ['perm', '/', [ 'Sys.Console' ]],
    description => "Create a new HA resource.",
    parameters => PVE::HA::Resources->createSchema(),
    returns => { type => 'null' },
    code => sub {
    my ($param) = @_;

    # create /etc/pve/ha directory

    my ($sid, $type, $name) = PVE::HA::Config::parse_sid(extract_param($param, 'sid'));

    if (my $param_type = extract_param($param, 'type')) {
        # useless, but do it anyway
        die "types does not match\n" if $param_type ne $type;

    my $plugin = PVE::HA::Resources->lookup($type);


    my $opts = $plugin->check_config($sid, $param, 1, 1);

        sub {

        my $cfg = PVE::HA::Config::read_resources_config();

        if ($cfg->{ids}->{$sid}) {
            die "resource ID '$sid' already defined\n";

        $cfg->{ids}->{$sid} = $opts;


        }, "create resource failed");

    return undef;

__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
    name => 'update',
    protected => 1,
    path => '{sid}',
    method => 'PUT',
    description => "Update resource configuration.",
    permissions => {
    check => ['perm', '/', [ 'Sys.Console' ]],
    parameters => PVE::HA::Resources->updateSchema(),
    returns => { type => 'null' },
    code => sub {
    my ($param) = @_;

    my $digest = extract_param($param, 'digest');
    my $delete = extract_param($param, 'delete');

    my ($sid, $type, $name) = PVE::HA::Config::parse_sid(extract_param($param, 'sid'));

    if (my $param_type = extract_param($param, 'type')) {
        # useless, but do it anyway
        die "types does not match\n" if $param_type ne $type;

    if (my $group = $param->{group}) {
        my $group_cfg = PVE::HA::Config::read_group_config();

        die "HA group '$group' does not exist\n"
        if !$group_cfg->{ids}->{$group};

    check_service_state($sid, $param->{state});

    PVE::HA::Config::update_resources_config($sid, $param, $delete, $digest);

    return undef;

__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
    name => 'delete',
    protected => 1,
    path => '{sid}',
    method => 'DELETE',
    description => "Delete resource configuration.",
    permissions => {
    check => ['perm', '/', [ 'Sys.Console' ]],
    parameters => {
    additionalProperties => 0,
    properties => {
        sid => get_standard_option('pve-ha-resource-or-vm-id',
                      { completion => \&PVE::HA::Tools::complete_sid }),
    returns => { type => 'null' },
    code => sub {
    my ($param) = @_;

    my ($sid, $type, $name) = PVE::HA::Config::parse_sid(extract_param($param, 'sid'));

    if (!PVE::HA::Config::service_is_configured($sid)) {
        die "cannot delete service '$sid', not HA managed!\n";


    return undef;

__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
    name => 'migrate',
    protected => 1,
    path => '{sid}/migrate',
    method => 'POST',
    description => "Request resource migration (online) to another node.",
    permissions => {
    check => ['perm', '/', [ 'Sys.Console' ]],
    parameters => {
    additionalProperties => 0,
    properties => {
        sid => get_standard_option('pve-ha-resource-or-vm-id',
                      { completion => \&PVE::HA::Tools::complete_sid }),
        node => get_standard_option('pve-node', {
        completion =>  \&PVE::Cluster::complete_migration_target,
        description => "Target node.",
    returns => { type => 'null' },
    code => sub {
    my ($param) = @_;

    my ($sid, $type, $name) = PVE::HA::Config::parse_sid(extract_param($param, 'sid'));



    PVE::HA::Config::queue_crm_commands("migrate $sid $param->{node}");

    return undef;

__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
    name => 'relocate',
    protected => 1,
    path => '{sid}/relocate',
    method => 'POST',
    description => "Request resource relocatzion to another node. This stops the service on the old node, and restarts it on the target node.",
    permissions => {
    check => ['perm', '/', [ 'Sys.Console' ]],
    parameters => {
    additionalProperties => 0,
    properties => {
        sid => get_standard_option('pve-ha-resource-or-vm-id',
                      { completion => \&PVE::HA::Tools::complete_sid }),
        node => get_standard_option('pve-node', {
        completion =>  \&PVE::Cluster::complete_migration_target,
        description => "Target node.",
    returns => { type => 'null' },
    code => sub {
    my ($param) = @_;

    my ($sid, $type, $name) = PVE::HA::Config::parse_sid(extract_param($param, 'sid'));



    PVE::HA::Config::queue_crm_commands("relocate $sid $param->{node}");

    return undef;


Das ist der Bereich mit Zeile 40


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Was hat denn die VM für einen Status im HA-Manager? Kannst du die VM mal aus dem HA entfernen und dann ohne HA starten? Die Meldung an sich sieht nach Bug aus, hier wäre
der Ort, wo man das einkippen könnte.
könntest Du die Ausgabe von
cat /etc/pve/ha/manager_status
ha-manager status --verbose
pveversion -v
sorry dass ich mich jetzt erst melde.
Hatte beruflich bedingt keine Zeit mich drum zu kümmern und hab mich erstmal mit Backup beholfen.

Die Maschine war tatsächlich im HA aktiviert. War mal kurz in dem Dialog um zu sehen was man da so machen kann. Arbeite mich grad noch ein.
Hab wohl vergessen es zu deaktivieren....

Danke für den Anstoß der es dann ja auch war.


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