VM replication

Jun 28, 2019

I'm trying to create a replication between two PVE 6.0 Servers, but it is giving the error below when I try to create the replication:

2019-10-25 11:26:01 101-0: start replication job
2019-10-25 11:26:01 101-0: guest => VM 101, running => 0
2019-10-25 11:26:01 101-0: volumes => zfs-vol01:vm-101-disk-0
2019-10-25 11:26:02 101-0: (remote_prepare_local_job) storage 'zfs-vol01' is not available on node 'pve02-bnu'
2019-10-25 11:26:02 101-0: end replication job with error: command '/usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=pve02-bnu' root@ -- pvesr prepare-local-job 101-0 zfs-vol01:vm-101-disk-0 --last_sync 0' failed: exit code 255

ZFS-VOL01 is not available on pve02 because it is a ZFS-LOCAL volume... it's not a shared storage...

It's not possible to use replication without shared storage?
reading the PVE Admin Guide, it says ZFS-local is supported for storage replication.. so, what am I missing in this setup?
I solved the problem!!!

Just removed the zpool from node2 and recreate it again with the same pool name as node1 without ticking the option to "ADD STORAGE"... after this, just configured the storage at DataCenter level to be available on both nodes..

After this, the zfs pool appeared on both nodes with same name, but obviously, different content!!

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