vm gone? Add my existing node to a new cluster


New Member
May 25, 2020
hello, i testet at my homelab a proxmox on a nuc. then i want to test a cluster with a new node. then i made a failure - i think so...
i created a new cluster on the new node and added the existing node with existing vms and containers to the new node. then my vms arent vissible. but they ara working in background. i removed the exisiting node from the cluster but the vms dont come back and also the local ssd with the vms stored on it is not vissible? there are no important vms/data on it but i want to restore them without to use my backup if its possible.
can you help me? thanks
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hello, i testet at my homelab a proxmox on a nuc. then i want to test a cluster with a new node. then i made a failure - i think so...
i created a new cluster on the new node and added the existing node with existing vms and containers to the new node.

There should've been an error like this host already contains virtual guests when trying to add the node with existing VMs to the cluster, was there no such message? What is the output of pveversion -v?

By joining the node, you've overwritten the existing configuration files in /etc/pve. But there should be a backup of the configuration from before joining in /var/lib/pve-cluster/backup.

When separating the node, did you follow this guide? Otherwise you'll have to reinstall the node, before you can join any other cluster. Of course you might want to try to restore the configuration from the backup first.

then my vms arent vissible. but they ara working in background. i removed the exisiting node from the cluster but the vms dont come back and also the local ssd with the vms stored on it is not vissible? there are no important vms/data on it but i want to restore them without to use my backup if its possible.
can you help me? thanks