VM don`t start after restore from backup - Image is not in qcow2 format


Feb 25, 2013

I installed Proxmox 4.2 (4.2-2/725d76f0) on 3 nodes. Now I made simple test. Installed VM (Mikrotik OS from ISO). Started it with success. Did a backup (snapshot, LZO), than restored VM from that backup and tried to start VM again. BUT it can`t be started, Proxmox prints this error message:

Please see printscreens and log below. What am I doing wrong?

Thank you.

Task viewer output:
Running as unit 103.scope.

kvm: -drive file=gluster://,if=none,id=drive-ide0,format=qcow2,cache=none,aio=native,detect-zeroes=on: Image is not in qcow2 format

TASK ERROR: start failed: command '/usr/bin/systemd-run --scope --slice qemu --unit 103 -p 'KillMode=none' -p 'CPUShares=1000' /usr/bin/kvm -id 103 -chardev 'socket,id=qmp,path=/var/run/qemu-server/103.qmp,server,nowait' -mon 'chardev=qmp,mode=control' -pidfile /var/run/qemu-server/103.pid -daemonize -smbios 'type=1,uuid=6e8b4638-5ca7-400c-9458-932591940caf' -name MikrotikOS-test -smp '1,sockets=1,cores=1,maxcpus=1' -nodefaults -boot 'menu=on,strict=on,reboot-timeout=1000' -vga cirrus -vnc unix:/var/run/qemu-server/103.vnc,x509,password -cpu kvm64,+lahf_lm,+sep,+kvm_pv_unhalt,+kvm_pv_eoi,enforce -m 512 -k en-us -device 'pci-bridge,id=pci.1,chassis_nr=1,bus=pci.0,addr=0x1e' -device 'pci-bridge,id=pci.2,chassis_nr=2,bus=pci.0,addr=0x1f' -device 'piix3-usb-uhci,id=uhci,bus=pci.0,addr=0x1.0x2' -device 'usb-tablet,id=tablet,bus=uhci.0,port=1' -device 'virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3' -iscsi 'initiator-name=iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:b7234c498b3b' -drive 'file=gluster://,if=none,id=drive-ide0,format=qcow2,cache=none,aio=native,detect-zeroes=on' -device 'ide-hd,bus=ide.0,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0,id=ide0,bootindex=100' -drive 'if=none,id=drive-ide2,media=cdrom,aio=threads' -device 'ide-cd,bus=ide.1,unit=0,drive=drive-ide2,id=ide2,bootindex=200' -netdev 'type=tap,id=net0,ifname=tap103i0,script=/var/lib/qemu-server/pve-bridge,downscript=/var/lib/qemu-server/pve-bridgedown' -device 'e1000,mac=36:38:30:62:38:31,netdev=net0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x12,id=net0,bootindex=300'' failed: exit code 1

VM backup.JPG
VM hardware.JPG
VM backup.JPG
VM hardware.JPG VM options.JPG VM task viewer status.JPG
mhmm.. how exactly did you create the vm? (i guess with the wizard?)
also how does your storage config look?

one thing which can show more info is the qemu-img info command
so please do a
qemu-img info /mnt/pve/GlusterFS/images/103/vm-103-disk-1.qcow2

and post the output here please

an additional general remark, please update your hosts regularly, i can see you are still on a
moderately old version (4.2-2, current is 4.2-17)
yes, I created VM with wizard. Installed from ISO on GlusterFS.

My /etc/pve/storage.cfg (I reverted data LV back to non-thin-provisoning):
dir: local
path /var/lib/vz
content backup,vztmpl,iso,rootdir,images
maxfiles 0

glusterfs: GlusterFS
volume gluster_volume_0
path /mnt/pve/GlusterFS
maxfiles 1
content backup,images,iso,vztmpl
nodes Proxmox1,Proxmox2

The output from "qemu-img info ..." command for VM 103:
root@Proxmox1:~# qemu-img info /mnt/pve/GlusterFS/images/103/vm-103-disk-1.qcow2
image: /mnt/pve/GlusterFS/images/103/vm-103-disk-1.qcow2
file format: raw
virtual size: 1.0G (1074135040 bytes)
disk size: 23M

I did a new test now...
Well as the "qemu-img info ..." command says "raw", I created another VM 104 to find when disk format changes from qcow2 to raw...
1) - the output after first start of the VM after OS instalation:
root@Proxmox1:/mnt/pve/GlusterFS/images/104# qemu-img info /mnt/pve/GlusterFS/images/104/vm-104-disk-1.qcow2
image: /mnt/pve/GlusterFS/images/104/vm-104-disk-1.qcow2
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
disk size: 46M
cluster_size: 65536
Format specific information:
compat: 1.1
lazy refcounts: false
refcount bits: 16
corrupt: false

2) - I did backup the same way as VM103 before (snapshot, LZO)
--> output of the backup process:
INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 104 --mode snapshot --storage local --compress lzo --node Proxmox1 --remove 0
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 104 (qemu)
INFO: status = stopped
INFO: update VM 104: -lock backup
INFO: backup mode: stop
INFO: ionice priority: 7
INFO: creating archive '/var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-qemu-104-2016_08_31-15_13_22.vma.lzo'
INFO: starting kvm to execute backup task
Running as unit 104.scope.
INFO: started backup task '631e4d64-076b-4256-8250-426ff1a5cd0c'
INFO: status: 44% (476971008/1073741824), sparse 42% (454144000), duration 3, 158/7 MB/s
INFO: status: 100% (1073741824/1073741824), sparse 97% (1050525696), duration 6, 198/0 MB/s
INFO: transferred 1073 MB in 6 seconds (178 MB/s)
INFO: stopping kvm after backup task
INFO: archive file size: 20MB
INFO: Finished Backup of VM 104 (00:00:12)
INFO: Backup job finished successfully

--> output from "qemu-img info ...":
root@Proxmox1:/mnt/pve/GlusterFS/images/104# qemu-img info /mnt/pve/GlusterFS/images/104/vm-104-disk-1.qcow2
image: /mnt/pve/GlusterFS/images/104/vm-104-disk-1.qcow2
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
disk size: 46M
cluster_size: 65536
Format specific information:
compat: 1.1
lazy refcounts: false
refcount bits: 16
corrupt: false

3) - now I did restore VM 104 from backup:
--> output of the restore process is in the attachement "VM 104 restore log.txt" because it is long
--> output from "qemu-img info ...":
root@Proxmox1:/mnt/pve/GlusterFS/images/104# qemu-img info /mnt/pve/GlusterFS/images/104/vm-104-disk-1.qcow2
image: /mnt/pve/GlusterFS/images/104/vm-104-disk-1.qcow2
file format: raw
virtual size: 1.0G (1074135040 bytes)
disk size: 22M

So it seems that after backup and restore, the virtual disc format changes from qcow2 to raw.



  • VM 104 restore log.txt
    30.9 KB · Views: 4
  • VM 104 - newly created virt. disc - no OS yet.JPG
    VM 104 - newly created virt. disc - no OS yet.JPG
    51.8 KB · Views: 3
  • VM 104 creation - qcow2 format selected.JPG
    VM 104 creation - qcow2 format selected.JPG
    33.6 KB · Views: 3
can you update your host and try again? i cannot reproduce this here
Did you mean to update the nodes? I don`t have any updates for nodes available. I clicked on refresh and no update appeared. I updated all of 3 nodes this morning.
OK, I solved it.
I would never expect that in new Proxmox instalation from CD there would not be set "deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian jessie pve-no-subscription" in sources.list. So my Proxmox servers were not up to date. Now, after receiving updates from that repo, problem is gone now.
Thank you anyway for your time and thank you for the whole Proxmox project, which is super-good.
Proxmox from ISO is prepared for the enterprise repository, so that you buy subscriptions and then updates will be available.


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