VM does not turn on after Cloning from one Node to another.


Active Member
Jun 18, 2020
I dont know why, but my VM's don't turn on after cloning from 1 server to another.

Example, i have 3 nodes in 1 Cluster.

A, B & C.

If there is a server in A, and i clone it in B, the configuration makes a copy from A to B, but the qcow2 file is created only in A. And not in B.

I get this error.

TASK ERROR: volume 'local:147/vm-147-disk-0.qcow2' does not exist

This is how the clone manager looks like - https://prnt.sc/td0hug

My Storage Setting - https://prnt.sc/td0i2p

As you can see my shared is on Yes, if i disable it then i cannot move clone from one node to another.

Am i missing anything?
As you can see my shared is on Yes, if i disable it then i cannot move clone from one node to another.

A local directory storage is not a shared storage, and you must not set the shared flag for this type of storage.

The how to tackle this? If I remove shared flag then I cannot make clone between 2 nodes.