VM AlmaLinux network interface eno ens


Sep 30, 2021

I need to virtualize a physical machine with AlmaLinux into a Proxmox VM. The challenge is that the hardware definition of the VM should match the physical spec as good as possible. The software running on this machine have way too many fixed definitions for the hardware.

I solved already the point that the hardware show up as NVME in the VM, but I still have the problem that the network interface will be detected as ens18, but it should be eno2.

Looks like Linux have the following definitions for network interfaces
  1. Names incorporating Firmware/BIOS provided index numbers for on-board devices (example: eno1)
  2. Names incorporating Firmware/BIOS provided PCI Express hotplug slot index numbers (example: ens1)
  3. Names incorporating physical/geographical location of the connector of the hardware (example: enp2s0)
  4. Names incorporating the interfaces's MAC address (example: enx78e7d1ea46da)
  5. Classic, unpredictable kernel-native ethX naming (example: eth0)

So how can I tell Proxmox to tell the VM that the NIC is an onboard NIC?


Long story short.

The problem with this project is, changing something on this machine isn't that easy. For many reasons.

So I really hope Proxmox have something for this.
So I really hope Proxmox have something for this.
Proxmox does not control how a VM discovers things internally. The interface detection in Linux is a bit finicky and cannot be relied on for production. Things can change based on new device being added, kernel update and few other things, such as boot sequence.
You will be much better off putting udev rules in place that provide predictable results based on MAC address that you can control.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - https://www.blockbridge.com/proxmox