VM 10 Watt penalty when idle


New Member
Aug 27, 2020

I already used the search function but couldnt find an answer to my question.

I'm running Proxmox 6.2 on a small Homeserver ( Headless, B450 MB , 32GB Ram, 4 SSD ).
After some tweaking with tips from the forum, i have now an IDLE power consumption of

30 - 35 Watt --> 7 running LXC containers

Adding one Linux VM ( Debian / Ubuntu / 1 core / 4 core --> no difference ) add ~ 9 Watt to this.

39 - 43 Watt --> 7 running LXC containers + 1 empty running VM

Do you think its worth to further investigate to bring down the IDLE consumption of the VM ?


Have you checked with powertop? Normally the VM should perform more wake up cycles, therefore the power consumption is much higher.

I just checked on my small ITX PVE box and I can also see an increase in power consumption while booting, but until the OS loaded (Debian Buster NFS-Server without any clients), the power consumption returns to almost normal, but is minimally higher (10,2 instead of 9,8 W).
Hi LnxBil,

thanks for your reply.

With the help of your recommendation to use powertop I could identify the problem.
The overall power usage was 0,1% , but the USB devices ( i used standard settings ) shows 100 usage.
Disabling them in the VM settings brought down to the idle ~1Watt increase which you mentioned for you

I know, 10W doesn't sound much, but it sums up to unnecessary 25 Euro / Year here in Germany.

Thanks again,
