Virtual server services not running

Sep 18, 2019
I have a Debian 10, with ProxMox 6 running. I converted an OVA to qcow2, built the virtual Linux... moved the qcow2 to the proper directory.

1. Started the Virtual
2. Virtual boots, and looks like the services on the virtual are started
3. We use a speech to text engine called SpeechMatics
4. The services all look to be running
5. When I post a .wav audio file via the API on the SpeechMatics, it accepts the file then begins to transcribe
4. However, the file is rejected... what I notice on the dashboard for SpeechMatics, is I see the file get put into Que for processing
5. But.. it looks like Memory is not being assiged as expected, and no CPU cycles are running for that file...
6. All Firewalls are off on the entire system and Proxmox
7. the audio format is fine.

NOTE: the same exact OVA is running on my Mac in Virtual box, and it works perfectly every time the very same file is not rejected, and shows that it grabs CPU, and Memory to process the file.

What would ProxMox possibly do to not allow the CPU and Memory to be used for this?

I am trying to use ProxMox for our systems and vet it out so that we can buy the high end support and implement ProxMox in our Data Centers..

Thank you
without knowing the software and how it works it is really hard to say what goes wrong here... i would first consult the logs/manual of the software or contact their support...
there may be special hardware requirements that is not emulated in a default config that it needs.