VirGL hardware accelerated h264/h265

I just started the make deb portion, it's failing when it gets to the

FAILED: libcommon.a.p/hw_display_virtio-gpu-virgl.c.o . Applied the patch from pve-qemu/qemu directory with patch < virgl.patch

I started the process on another identical host, did NOT use bookworm-backports, used the deb-src for bookworm in sources.list, ran apt-get build-dep qemu virglrenderer. This installed almost everything. Builds fine after this.
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I just started the make deb portion, it's failing when it gets to the

FAILED: libcommon.a.p/hw_display_virtio-gpu-virgl.c.o . Applied the patch from pve-qemu/qemu directory with patch < virgl.patch

I started the process on another identical host, did NOT use bookworm-backports, used the deb-src for bookworm in sources.list, ran apt-get build-dep qemu virglrenderer. This installed almost everything. Builds fine after this.
Could you give a quick summary of the steps you took?
I am interested in this, but do not want to mess up my proxmox too much with custom packets....

As in the tutorial above some steps were marked as maybe not necessairy.
Could you give a quick summary of the steps you took?
I am interested in this, but do not want to mess up my proxmox too much with custom packets....

As in the tutorial above some steps were marked as maybe not necessairy.
Hey, let me set this up a couple more times as I take notes, then I'll post my steps. I have a correction, I do use backports, but for installing the updated mesa libs AFTER using :

deb-src bookworm main contrib non-free non-free-firmware

in /etc/apt/sources.list
in order to be able to use apt-get build-dep qemu virglrenderer. Note: this doesn't install everything that pve-qemu git needs, but most of it. You'll see what's missing as you follow the steps in @two56bytes second post.