very odd issue with storage space?


Renowned Member
Aug 13, 2017
I was wondering if someone else has had this issue before. So recently got an alert about 83% used in storage so I checked and i saw the local-zfs storage was fine, but then i looked closely and saw that the storage was 500gigs, not sure why if i have 4 disks of 1tb. I did create another storage called vmbackups with another proxmox hosts sends using pve-zsync to that storage but not sure how it got confused there.
Thank you

root@prometheus4:~# zfs list -o space
rpool                          266G  1.50T        0B    104K             0B      1.50T
rpool/ROOT                     266G   273G        0B     96K             0B       273G
rpool/ROOT/pve-1               266G   273G        0B    273G             0B         0B
rpool/data                     266G   286G        0B     96K             0B       286G
rpool/data/vm-105-disk-1       266G  10.1G     1.66G   8.42G             0B         0B
rpool/data/vm-107-disk-1       266G  43.2G     3.67G   39.5G             0B         0B
rpool/data/vm-107-disk-2       266G   233G      304M    232G             0B         0B
rpool/swap                     271G  8.50G        0B   3.04G          5.46G         0B
rpool/vmbackup                34.8G   965G        0B     96K             0B       965G
rpool/vmbackup/vm-101-disk-1  34.8G   103G     6.64G   96.1G             0B         0B
rpool/vmbackup/vm-101-disk-2  34.8G   862G     19.0G    842G             0B       997M
root@prometheus4:~# lsblk
sda        8:0    0 931.5G  0 disk
|-sda1     8:1    0  1007K  0 part
|-sda2     8:2    0 931.5G  0 part
`-sda9     8:9    0     8M  0 part
sdb        8:16   0 931.5G  0 disk
|-sdb1     8:17   0  1007K  0 part
|-sdb2     8:18   0 931.5G  0 part
`-sdb9     8:25   0     8M  0 part
sdc        8:32   0 931.5G  0 disk
|-sdc1     8:33   0 931.5G  0 part
`-sdc9     8:41   0     8M  0 part
sdd        8:48   0 931.5G  0 disk
|-sdd1     8:49   0 931.5G  0 part
`-sdd9     8:57   0     8M  0 part
zd0      230:0    0     8G  0 disk [SWAP]
zd16     230:16   0   128G  0 disk
|-zd16p1 230:17   0   350M  0 part
`-zd16p2 230:18   0 127.7G  0 part
zd32     230:32   0   128G  0 disk
|-zd32p1 230:33   0     1M  0 part
|-zd32p2 230:34   0   256M  0 part
`-zd32p3 230:35   0 127.8G  0 part
zd48     230:48   0   250G  0 disk
`-zd48p1 230:49   0   250G  0 part
zd64     230:64   0  1000G  0 disk
`-zd64p1 230:65   0  1000G  0 part
zd80     230:80   0   250G  0 disk
|-zd80p1 230:81   0   350M  0 part
`-zd80p2 230:82   0 249.7G  0 part
you currently have one zpool - rpool
on that you created a dataset rpoo/vmbackups which uses 965 G
This gets counted to the used space of rpool (because it is on the same disks)

I hope this helps!


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