Hi, I have some problem with the backup-routine in the node. The backup of the VM are going well but the backup of the LXC's send an error in the log
The storage for the backup is the same and I don't know where should be a different permission for these backups (VM and LXC) Who can help for this. Best regards Paul
2024-01-05 15:51:10 INFO: Starting Backup of VM 203 (lxc)
2024-01-05 15:51:10 INFO: status = running
2024-01-05 15:51:10 INFO: CT Name: PiHole
2024-01-05 15:51:10 INFO: including mount point rootfs ('/') in backup
2024-01-05 15:51:10 INFO: backup mode: snapshot
2024-01-05 15:51:10 INFO: ionice priority: 7
2024-01-05 15:51:10 INFO: create storage snapshot 'vzdump'
2024-01-05 15:51:11 INFO: creating vzdump archive '/mnt/pve/DS720/dump/vzdump-lxc-203-2024_01_05-15_51_10.tar.zst'
2024-01-05 15:51:11 INFO: tar: /mnt/pve/DS720/dump/vzdump-lxc-203-2024_01_05-15_51_10.tmp: Cannot open: Permission denied
2024-01-05 15:51:11 INFO: tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
2024-01-05 15:51:11 INFO: cleanup temporary 'vzdump' snapshot
2024-01-05 15:51:11 ERROR: Backup of VM 203 failed - command 'set -o pipefail && lxc-usernsexec -m u:0:100000:65536 -m g:0:100000:65536 -- tar cpf - --totals --one-file-system -p --sparse --numeric-owner --acls --xattrs '--xattrs-include=user.*' '--xattrs-include=security.capability' '--warning=no-file-ignored' '--warning=no-xattr-write' --one-file-system '--warning=no-file-ignored' '--directory=/mnt/pve/DS720/dump/vzdump-lxc-203-2024_01_05-15_51_10.tmp' ./etc/vzdump/pct.conf ./etc/vzdump/pct.fw '--directory=/mnt/vzsnap0' --no-anchored '--exclude=lost+found' --anchored '--exclude=./tmp/?*' '--exclude=./var/tmp/?*' '--exclude=./var/run/?*.pid' ./ | zstd --rsyncable '--threads=1' >/mnt/pve/DS720/dump/vzdump-lxc-203-2024_01_05-15_51_10.tar.dat' failed: exit code 2
The storage for the backup is the same and I don't know where should be a different permission for these backups (VM and LXC) Who can help for this. Best regards Paul