I was reviewing the PBS API documentation here: https://pbs.proxmox.com/docs/api-viewer/index.html. While I am able to use the API for Management API endpoints like ping or version e.g. "https://my-pbs-server/api2/json/version to return {"data":{"release":"2","repoid":"blanked-out","version":"3.2"}}, I don't know how to get to the backup or restore API endpoints. I must be missing something basic or obvious. Thanks in advance for any pointers folks may have who have used these APIs.
I was reviewing the PBS API documentation here: https://pbs.proxmox.com/docs/api-viewer/index.html. While I am able to use the API for Management API endpoints like ping or version e.g. "https://my-pbs-server/api2/json/version to return {"data":{"release":"2","repoid":"blanked-out","version":"3.2"}}, I don't know how to get to the backup or restore API endpoints. I must be missing something basic or obvious. Thanks in advance for any pointers folks may have who have used these APIs.