Using proxmox-backup-client in script as PVE's GUI does


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2018
Hi guys!
I'm novice with PBS so in stuck with using proxmox-backup-client in my backup scripts.
Look, PVE's backup job is excellent, but i need to run the same activity backup in my script.
PVE's log of backing up to PBS is too complex for me and very unclear ((
Would You help me what command(s) I should use in script?

PVE's backup process log:

INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 103 --node hq --notes-template '{{guestname}}' --remove 0 --mode snapshot --storage
INFO: create storage snapshot 'vzdump'
INFO: creating Proxmox Backup Server archive 'ct/103/2023-12-29T09:04:12Z'
INFO: run: /usr/bin/proxmox-backup-client backup --crypt-mode=none pct.conf:/var/tmp/vzdumptmp2392261_103/etc/vzdump/pct.conf root.pxar:/mnt/vzsnap0 --include-dev /mnt/vzsnap0/./ --skip-lost-and-found --exclude=/tmp/?* --exclude=/var/tmp/?* --exclude=/var/run/?*.pid --backup-type ct --backup-id 103 --backup-time 1703840652 --repository --ns hq
INFO: Upload config file '/var/tmp/vzdumptmp2392261_103/etc/vzdump/pct.conf' to '' as pct.conf.blob
INFO: Upload directory '/mnt/vzsnap0' to '' as root.pxar.didx
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It's not clear what you're asking. Are you trying to backup files that are not in Proxmox? Here is my bash script to backup my non-promox machine to PBS


export PBS_REPOSITORY=root@pam@ # Update the IP address and datastore name
export PBS_PASSWORD=supersecurerootpassword123
export PBS_FINGERPRINT=00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa # Take from Configuration > Certificates > View Certificate > Fingerprint

#proxmox-backup-client backup etc.pxar:/etc opt.pxar:/opt home.pxar:/home root.pxar:/root varlibpvecluster.pxar:/var/lib/pve-cluster --include-dev /etc/pve
proxmox-backup-client backup etc.pxar:/etc opt.pxar:/opt home.pxar:/home root.pxar:/root --backup-id notebook
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Reactions: Sasha
I do appreciate You for answer. It was my second question!
My simple first question concerns containers (CT). In PVE GUI it's easy to backup it to PBS.
How to do it with proxmox-backup-client backup in command line?
PVE GUI uses command line too comlex for understanding...
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