Use Proxmox Backup Server (PBS) 2.2-1 with Proxmox Virtual Environment 6.0-4


New Member
Jun 14, 2022
Hallo i know that the new Proxmox VE 7+ can use direktly the Proxmox Backup Server. I have an old Proxmox Server in Version 6.0-4 and want use the PBS. Can someone helf me by this mission ? Like SMB share on the PBS.
Why not upgrade your PVE? PVE 6.X is end of life since last month. PBS 1.X is by th way compatible with PVE 6.X.
MY PVE 6.x have 20 active Workspaces. I dont want destroy all Working-Clients. I want first Backup all VMs than Upgrade to a cluster with PVE 7.2
Why not backup first the VM's to eg. a local disk with vzdump?
You can also do this to a SMB shared folder if you want.

This way you can upgrade to PVE 7.2 after that, restore the VM's and use PBS with PVE 7.2 (with the included compatiblity and capabilities).
Saves you a lot of hassle, pretty straight forward and no worries about compatibility.
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The VM-Server hase all PCI-Slots full (PCIe -> M.2. Adapter) and no SATA place more free. With USB external Disks It's need more than 3 Days (to long). With the 2 x 10GB Networkinterface in Bound its work fine over LAN. My first test was TrueNAS, but its crasht every 1 hour maybe: no-ECC RAM :(
I wouldn't use TrueNAS without ECC memory if you want the backup to be used for restore. The risk that the backup doesn't survive is too big.

Out of curiosity, on which hardware did you want to run PBS, looking at your explained limitations? Do you have a spare server available to setup PBS?

If the only way to backup is over the network interface, maybe it is possible to use an external PBS, like (depending on your internet connection speed).
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I wouldn't use TrueNAS without ECC memory if you want the backup to be used for restore. The risk that the backup doesn't survive is too big.

The risk is as high as with any other filesystem:
There's nothing special about ZFS that requires/encourages the use of ECC RAM more so than any other filesystem. If you use UFS, EXT, NTFS, btrfs, etc without ECC RAM, you are just as much at risk as if you used ZFS without ECC RAM. Actually, ZFS can mitigate this risk to some degree if you enable the unsupported ZFS_DEBUG_MODIFY flag (zfs_flags=0x10). This will checksum the data while at rest in memory, and verify it before writing to disk, thus reducing the window of vulnerability from a memory error.

I would simply say: if you love your data, use ECC RAM. Additionally, use a filesystem that checksums your data, such as ZFS.
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Just a note, if you can upgrade to the latest PVE 6.x, the PBS storage option will appear and you can create your backup directly to the PBS server.

- you need to upgrade your system to the 6.x, so, practically you need a backup before you upgrade :)
- there is a change in mac address generation, which means, windows will lost the previous network interface and will detect as new, check the changelog

Otherwise you have the good old vzdump backup locally or to a remote place (lan or usb3, depends on your possibilities).
I test the old Way with USB3 and external Disk. THX for Support. Thread can be close.