[SOLVED] Upgrading from No-Subscription Repository to Enterprise Repository

May 21, 2020

I run Proxmox at home and was originally using the No-Subscription Repository. I just purchased a license key and added it in the web interface, as described here.

What do I need to do to add the Enterprise Repository? Is it just as easy as switching out repo out and running apt update && apt upgrade? Below is the contents of my apt file.
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve buster pve-no-subscription
I'm aware of that. What I'm asking is, do I only need to add the enterprise repo and update?

Yes. But you probably won't initially get any updates if you recently ran an upgrade with no-subscription enabled.
The more stable enterprise repository is ordered after no-subscription, just FYI.
As thread starter you can do that yourself, FYI ;) At the right side over your initial post there's a menu with "Edit thread" where you can set it to "Solved".
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I realize I'm resurrecting an old thread here, but would it be good practice to rebuild the cluster after upgrading the license to ensure no "less tested" software remains?
I realize I'm resurrecting an old thread here, but would it be good practice to rebuild the cluster after upgrading the license to ensure no "less tested" software remains?
I'd simply wait until the enterprise repo "catches up" ;)
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