You will have to reboot, as there will be a new kernel verison... pveupdate and pveupgrade are small wrappers around apt-get which make sure to show you additional PVE specific infos. You can check out their functionality with cat /usr/bin/pveupdate and cat /usr/bin/pveupgrade (note that these are perl scripts).
Good to know, thanks. But Kernel Upgrades are not necessary, right? So I could just update Proxmox VE (and the Kernel) but wait with the reboot for a maintenance window?
Good to know, thanks. But Kernel Upgrades are not necessary, right? So I could just update Proxmox VE (and the Kernel) but wait with the reboot for a maintenance window?
Well, the kernel will play a role and it might be fine to run on the older kernel for minor releases. Why not perform the 6.2 to 6.3 upgrade at the maintenance window altogether?