[SOLVED] Upgrade to Proxmox 7 - Bond (LACP) Interface not working anymore

Thank's everyone for the answer.
It's Work
We have to delete or comment "auto eno1" in /etc/network/interfaces

If we re-install ifupdown it works with the "auto eno1" line.
Conclusion : we have to re-install ifupdown2 after upgrade 6.4 to 7.2 because if we edit network via web interface proxmox re-edit automaticaly the "auto eno1"
Same issue here upgrading from 6.4 to 7.2. Needed to install ifupdown2 prior to rebooting. Miss that step and you have to physically get onto the node to comment out the 'auto ...' lines in the interfaces file to regain access via the VMBRx interface.

The upgrade documentation states, "The ifupdown2 package, which Proxmox ships in the Proxmox VE 7.x repository, was adapted with a new policy configuration, so that it always derives the MAC address from the bridge port.", but that doesn't appear to be the case?? I had to install it myself.
I'm running into this now, too.

The PVE tutorial I was using said to do this manually instead of using the PVE GUI for some reason.

I manually edited the /etc/network/interfaces file to set up a bond between two 2.5GbE ports on my machine, then pointed vmbr0 at them.

This is my configuration, and it works--but if I do anything in the PVE web UI's networking interface, even adding a comment, it adds the "auto" lines and I lose networking.

~# cat /etc/network/interfaces
# network interface settings; autogenerated
# Please do NOT modify this file directly, unless you know what
# you're doing.
# If you want to manage parts of the network configuration manually,
# please utilize the 'source' or 'source-directory' directives to do
# so.
# PVE will preserve these directives, but will NOT read its network
# configuration from sourced files, so do not attempt to move any of
# the PVE managed interfaces into external files!

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface eno1 inet manual

iface enp2s0 inet manual

iface wlp3s0 inet manual

iface enx0024278808c1 inet manual

auto bond0
iface bond0 inet manual
        bond-slaves eno1 enp2s0
        bond-miimon 100
        bond-mode balance-alb

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
        bridge-ports bond0
        bridge-stp off
        bridge-fd 0
        bridge-vlan-aware yes
        bridge-vids 2-4094
First of all thank you. I had to remove the: auto eno1 then restarted networking and it worked

Then I re-installed ifupdown2 got into gui reset the settings and it made it how it was originally but it now works with the auto eno1 lines. Is this because ifupdown2 was removed on the upgrade?
Awesome. I'll have to try this when I have more time to try to get everything working correctly again.

I assume you just used the apt reinstall ifupdown2 command?
Thanks for your help with this. I'm still having issues, unfortunately.

I manually set up the bond and pointed vmbr0 at it, by editing the interfaces file. The network worked when I rebooted, so that was a success.

I then reinstalled ifupdown2 (apt reinstall ifupdown2), rebooted, and I'm still seeing it insert "auto" commands into the interface file when I use the PVE GUI.

Here's an example of what happens when I try to add a comment.
Pending changes (Either reboot or use 'Apply Configuration' (needs ifupdown2) to activate)
--- /etc/network/interfaces    2022-10-19 14:49:43.450852825 -0500
+++ /etc/network/interfaces.new    2022-10-19 15:10:22.349753733 -0500
@@ -12,8 +12,11 @@
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
+auto eno1
 iface eno1 inet manual
+#Built-in 2.5GbE (Intel) - Port 1
+auto enp2s0
 iface enp2s0 inet manual
 iface wlp3s0 inet manual

This only happens when I create bond0 by manually editing the interfaces file.
Expected behavior. Reinstalling ifupdown2 will not stop the addition of +auto eno1 but for many those additions no longer caused a problem. Does your networking still fail upon reboot with the auto iface lines added?
Expected behavior. Reinstalling ifupdown2 will not stop the addition of +auto eno1 but for many those additions no longer caused a problem. Does your networking still fail upon reboot with the auto iface lines added?
It's working now! I added a comment to vmbr0 and applied it, and I'm still here. Thanks for that info.

I somehow had it in my head that the "auto" command was wrong. I'm not yet 100 percent clear on how the interfaces file works, unfortunately. Thanks for taking the time to help.