[SOLVED] Upgrade to latest 4.x (in preparation for 4.x -> 5.x)

Bob Green

New Member
Dec 12, 2018
I have a cluster of five nodes. One node is new and is running the latest 4.4 but the others are all running 4.2. I want to upgrade the whole cluster to 5.x but before I do that, I know I need to get all nodes up to the latest 4.4. Is that simply as case of running:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade (or is it just upgrade?)

Please take a look at the wiki-page with details about the upgrade:

in general `apt-get update`, `apt-get dist-upgrade` is what is needed (do not run just `apt-get upgrade`)

also if you're running Ceph - read the notes about upgrading it!!

Hope this helps!
Thanks, that's great. I don't believe I am running Ceph, unless it gets auto started when ProxMox is installed. I just clicked on the Ceph tab and got a message saying it hasn't been initialised, so that also suggests that I'm not using it, doesn't it?

Thanks again.
and got a message saying it hasn't been initialised, so that also suggests that I'm not using it, doesn't it?
that should imply you're not using ceph - you can also check whether you have the ceph-repository configured (a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d or /etc/apt/sources.list containing a mention of ceph)

and finally you can check if you have ceph-packages installed
hope this helps!
Perfect, thank you. Worked like a dream on the first attempt! Three nodes to go and I'll be ready to upgrade to 5.x