Upgrade and add server to cluster


Dec 10, 2020

I am approaching to upgrade to 7.1 from 6.4 in a 2 server cluster and to add a new server to it.
The new server has already been configured with latest version and doesn't hold any VM or container in it.
I need absolutely to keep the downtime as lower as possible, I am trying to figure out what is the best approach to perform it with maximum security.
Shall I add the 7.1 new server to the 6.4 cluster and move critical VMs into it or better to upgrade and add it later?
Any suggestion is highly appreciated.


did you take a look at [1]? I'd probably upgrade the two nodes first, then add the new one. Concerning downtime, you can move VMs from the node you're upgrading first to the other one. Since migrating a VM from an older PVE version to a newer is always possible you can migrate VMs from the second node back to the node you've just upgraded and then upgrade the second one. Then you can add the new node and migrate the VMs to the nodes to want them on.

[1] https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Upgrade_from_6.x_to_7.0
Hi Hannes,
Yes, I checked it out. I don't really like the idea of rebuild the whole cluster, I'd probably move with apt.
So just make it simple. Let's say I have A and B currently in cluster and C to be added.
Your suggestion is to move all VMs from A to B, then upgrade A and then moving back all the machines back to it, upgrade B and finally add C.
Is this right?