It is always a good idea to host EVERYTHING locally. Remember the bad old days when some simple js base package was unavailable and a lot of companies had problems with their CI pipelines because of this? And yes, you will also get problems with that. We just had them on the archive process of debian stretch from "normal" to "archive".
We're running a Debian mirror from Wheezy up, OL and CentOS Mirrors from 5 up and we're going to start a almalinux 8 mirror soon. Same goes for all docker install packages, PVE-packages and our internal package infrastructure (we do everything with deb and rpm packages, so that we can only rely on packages and do not need an active connection of any non-controlled service). Our docker base images are also locally mirrored and have your internal mirrors preset so that everything works out of the box by just replacing the FROM line (we also experienced with DNS overloading, but that resulted in other problems).