Updated Cyan Secure Web (1.6.4) and Acquia Drupal (1.2.8) Appliances


Proxmox Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 28, 2005
We just released two updated Appliances for Proxmox VE:

What is special here?

Both appliances are built and tested from the Proxmox team but also tested and certified from the vendor - Acquia and Cyan Networks. For both appliances you need a commercial subscription but therefore you have support from the Proxmox platform and the application vendor - that's a big advantage and one reason why software from Redmond is so successful in the enterprise world. With Proxmox VE you can also get this with open source based Linux software.

We used the Debian_Appliance_Builder to create both and we encourage other open source and commercial Linux application vendors to jump in into this successful way to distribute software to the enterprise.

Br, Martin
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Request Build Files

If these appliances are to be truly Open Source, then the dab.conf, Makefile and application.conf files should also be released along with the appliance template for vetting and improvement by the community rather than wait for someone to hack in and / or depend on security through obscurity to enable confidence for general acceptability and reasonable adoption.
If these appliances are to be truly Open Source, then the dab.conf, Makefile and application.conf files should also be released along with the appliance template for vetting and improvement by the community rather than wait for someone to hack in and / or depend on security through obscurity to enable confidence for general acceptability and reasonable adoption.

These appliances are based and built on open source technologies but the applications are under their own license (some parts are not GPL)

For details about these licenses visit Cyan or Acquia.

These licenses has nothing to do with the Proxmox VE license (which is GPL) so do not mix this.