I am a beginner with Proxmox and I am French, so 2 handicaps
I have version 8.0.3
in my sources.list file I have the information below
deb http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian bookworm main contrib
deb http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates main contrib
# security updates
deb http://security.debian.org bookworm-security main contrib
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bookworm pve-no-subscription
every time I run an update command I always get the same result see screenshot below
I don't know what to do, thank you in advance for your help and thank you google translate in advance

in my sources.list file I have the information below
deb http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian bookworm main contrib
deb http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates main contrib
# security updates
deb http://security.debian.org bookworm-security main contrib
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bookworm pve-no-subscription
every time I run an update command I always get the same result see screenshot below

I don't know what to do, thank you in advance for your help and thank you google translate in advance