Server Dell T410, 128GB memória, 3XSAS600, 2XSSD1TB, 1XSSD M2 2TB. network Emolex duas 10GB Rev 1
Proxmox 6.4-8
On the Host, 10GB network works normally, on VMs configured the network as VirtIO, Machine receives all network configuration, but network is undefined and does not access anything on the network.
Server Dell T410, 128GB memória, 3XSAS600, 2XSSD1TB, 1XSSD M2 2TB. network Emolex duas 10GB Rev 1
Proxmox 6.4-8
On the Host, 10GB network works normally, on VMs configured the network as VirtIO, Machine receives all network configuration, but network is undefined and does not access anything on the network.