After upgrading our test pbs to 1.1-2 no tape or changer activities can be performed without error.
On shell level I get the following error message:
May be this is related to the new tape and changer modules (I did the autoremove for mt and mtx) but I have no idea what to specify instead of 'linux' for tape. Did not find a reference so any help is welcome...
On shell level I get the following error message:
root@pbs:~# proxmox-tape changer list
Error: parsing '/etc/proxmox-backup/tape.cfg' failed: line 4 - unknown section type 'linux'
root@pbs:~# cat /etc/proxmox-backup/tape.cfg
changer: HPMSL
path /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-MXA303Z0UD_LL1
linux: HPLTO
changer HPMSL
path /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-HU1249TLGF-nst
May be this is related to the new tape and changer modules (I did the autoremove for mt and mtx) but I have no idea what to specify instead of 'linux' for tape. Did not find a reference so any help is welcome...