Unexpected powercut has corrupted LVM metadata and removed grub boot loader


New Member
Dec 9, 2022
My DC had an unexpected powercut the other day which seems to have caused some unexpected issued with one of my proxmox nodes.

When attempting to reboot the node it just sits at "grub rescue> " console.
I rebooted it from the proxmox iso image and put it into recovery mode.

I followed some instructions on here (https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Recover_From_Grub_Failure) on how to manually mount the LVM as I thought all it needed was a simple grub reinstall and away we go however it failed with mounting the LVM complaining about data_tmeta being corrupted and/or missing and so it couldn't mount the pvm to the /dev/mapper/. So I'm falling over at step 1 really. I tried following some instructions on "rebuilding" the meta which seemed to suggest just resizing it would result in it rebuilding however that didn't work, and the lvm/backup meta isn't last known good but instead a mirror of the lvm/archive meta which is corrupted so I can't restore from the backup either.
I don't know a massive a mount about LVM so any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

sorry for the screenshots below I can't copy and paste out of my ancient javabased OOB board.

Screenshot 2022-12-09 080741.pngScreenshot 2022-12-09 080904.png