On one of the PVS servers in the morning, a problem was discovered that the fingerprint had changed and because of this, the backup disks were not available from the PVE cluster. Tell me where to look in order to understand the reason for changing the fimherprit and in general under what conditions it can change on a working server.
The problem of inaccessibility of disks was discovered on Monday, on Friday evening everything worked, backups passed, but the morning ones at 6 in the morning did not pass anymore because the server's fingerprint changed
Of the possible problems, the dns record on Friday of this server was accidentally deleted, but then it was restored and everything worked fine
The problem of inaccessibility of disks was discovered on Monday, on Friday evening everything worked, backups passed, but the morning ones at 6 in the morning did not pass anymore because the server's fingerprint changed
Of the possible problems, the dns record on Friday of this server was accidentally deleted, but then it was restored and everything worked fine