I have some troubles understanding the cluster feature.
I have 3 machines:
Master 2.6.32 64bit, installed over debian, 1.5 pve
Node-1 2.6.18 64bit, installed over debian, 1.5 pve
Node-2 2.6.18 32bit, installed over debian, 1.4 pve
I have all of them in the cluster, etc. but I have problems with the storage configuration.
Why is the storage configuration syncronized?
Can I deactivate the syncronization for, say, local or backup?
My problem is that Master has enough space (> 180G) so I configured the iso space and backup as local storage.
After adding Node-2, which has only limited diskspace and is only for special purpose, the iso's got syncronized filling up node-2. And the backup storage is as well defined here, along with other storage (iscsi, lvm) which I have only defined on and for the Master.
How do I attack these problems properly, so that each node can have it's own storage asignments?
Another problem which I am not sure why it occurs is, on node-2, if I try to change any storage setting, it tells me: You have no write access!
Is this because this machine is not master or because of another (maybe installing in 32bit-mode related) problem?
On a site-node, will there be a "unofficial" repository for 1.5 as well? As I need to support my old hardware for openvz only and i would like to have it in the cluster.
thank you in advance
I have some troubles understanding the cluster feature.
I have 3 machines:
Master 2.6.32 64bit, installed over debian, 1.5 pve
Node-1 2.6.18 64bit, installed over debian, 1.5 pve
Node-2 2.6.18 32bit, installed over debian, 1.4 pve
I have all of them in the cluster, etc. but I have problems with the storage configuration.
Why is the storage configuration syncronized?
Can I deactivate the syncronization for, say, local or backup?
My problem is that Master has enough space (> 180G) so I configured the iso space and backup as local storage.
After adding Node-2, which has only limited diskspace and is only for special purpose, the iso's got syncronized filling up node-2. And the backup storage is as well defined here, along with other storage (iscsi, lvm) which I have only defined on and for the Master.
How do I attack these problems properly, so that each node can have it's own storage asignments?
Another problem which I am not sure why it occurs is, on node-2, if I try to change any storage setting, it tells me: You have no write access!
Is this because this machine is not master or because of another (maybe installing in 32bit-mode related) problem?
On a site-node, will there be a "unofficial" repository for 1.5 as well? As I need to support my old hardware for openvz only and i would like to have it in the cluster.
thank you in advance