tl;dr: On a ZFS-based system, htop says I'm using 1.74 GiB of 30.8 Gib, with ARC usage statistics being reported that I don't completely understand. PVE's web UI is showing 8.76 GiB of 30.76 GiB. I've defined and started VMs and CTs that each were assigned 1.5-2 GiB, but those are shut down now.
Is this normal? I suspect that it might be, and I'm just not familiar enough with what ZFS ARC looks like when it's working to know how to read what htop is telling me. In which case, I'd guess PVE's web UI is taking that ARC data and doing some kind of calculation to show me what's effectively free memory vs used memory--or rather, what is actually available in a practical sense, and not devoted to ARC.
Is that right? If not, what's going on here?
Here's PVE:
Here's htop:
Is this normal? I suspect that it might be, and I'm just not familiar enough with what ZFS ARC looks like when it's working to know how to read what htop is telling me. In which case, I'd guess PVE's web UI is taking that ARC data and doing some kind of calculation to show me what's effectively free memory vs used memory--or rather, what is actually available in a practical sense, and not devoted to ARC.
Is that right? If not, what's going on here?
Here's PVE:
Here's htop:
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