I have an issue with a test Proxmox 7.2-7 no-subscription system. The system would freeze every few hours, displaying a blank green screen on local console with nothing recorded in the syslog. The system just dies with no reported errors.
I am still testing but the problem seems to have something to do with the Eclipse MQTT broker Mosquitto. It seems every time I bring a Mosquitto instance up in a CT or VM or VM Docker, Proxmox after a few hours, usually three, will freeze. As soon as I stop the Mosquitto CTs/VMs Proxmox has no issues.
As I have spent countless hours trying to troubleshoot, I was wondering if any of the Proxmox staff or anyone else can assist me home on what could be causing such behaviour.
I am still testing but the problem seems to have something to do with the Eclipse MQTT broker Mosquitto. It seems every time I bring a Mosquitto instance up in a CT or VM or VM Docker, Proxmox after a few hours, usually three, will freeze. As soon as I stop the Mosquitto CTs/VMs Proxmox has no issues.
As I have spent countless hours trying to troubleshoot, I was wondering if any of the Proxmox staff or anyone else can assist me home on what could be causing such behaviour.