Unable to wake up on MAC

You can send wake-on-lan packets from any machine once configured. It doesn't have to be a PVE node. Etherwake for example does the trick on other Linux systems, there's Windows or even mobile tools out there as well, you just need to give them your server's MAC.
Yes, that is what I am attempting to do from a Ubuntu Linux machine on the same LAN. I run

wakeonlan xx:yy:zz:11:22:33

(i use my actual MAC address in place of xx:yy:zz:11:22:33)

and the majic packet is sent but Proxmox machine does not wake. I have used ethtool (ethtool -s enp2s0f0: wol g) to verify that wol g is working on the proxmox machine.
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Then it's not a PVE specific issue. Check your BIOS settings (wake-on-lan, "wakeup by onboard-lan", "wakeup by pci-e device" are some common names in setup utilities among other) as well as your network configuration, to make sure the magic packet reaches the host you're trying to wake.